Selected Articles
“A Pagan and Christian 5th-6th Century Bread Mould? An Artifact Reconsidered,” in Kalantzis, George and Thomas F. Martin, If These Stones Could Speak… Studies on Textual and Contextual Interpretations, The Edward Mellen Press, 2009, pp. 111-163, and in Illustrations, Figures 18-25.
“Joseph with Potiphar’s wife: early Christian commentary seen against the backdrop of Jewish and Muslim interpretations,” in Studia Patristica 34 (2001), pp. 326-346.
“Marking Religious and Ethnic Boundaries: Cases from the Ancient Golan Heights,” in Church History 69:3 (September, 2000), pp. 519-557.
“Païens, Juifs, Judéo-Chrétiens, Chrétiens et Musulmans en Gaulanitide: Les inscriptions de Na‘arãn, Kafr Naffakh, Farj et Er-Ramthãniyye,” (with Professors Claudine Dauphin, Sebastian Brock, and A.F.L. Beeston, in Proche-Orient Chrétien 46 (1996), pp. 305-340.
“Depicting the Prophets: Jewish, Christian and Muslim ‘Firsts.’” Carmel Writers and Ideas Festival, September 29, 2012.
“Jonah: Jews, Christians and Muslims Re-tell his Story.” Carmel Writers and Ideas Festival, September 29, 2012.
“The Arts of Scriptural Interpretation: R. Crumb’s Genesis and some ancient precedents,” Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA, February 15, 2010.
“Artists and Exegetes: Sarah and Hagar in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,” at a joint meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Society of Biblical Literature, and American School of Oriental Research, Northwest Region, May 3, 2008.
“Murder in Three Traditions: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim literary and artistic ‘Readings’ of the Cain/Qabil and Abel/Habil Story.” Center for the Study of Muslim Networks, Duke University-UNC-Chapel Hill, September 20, 2004.
“Cain and Abel in rabbinic, patristic, and early Islamic interpretations,” at the Fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies in Oxford, England, August, 2003.
“Messages from Four Dura Europas Religious Buildings,” for the Stanford Humanities Center Seminar on “Conversion, Comparison, and Genre.” February 19, 2002.
“Christian Interpretations, Ancient and Modern, of the Exodus Story.” Haverford College, April 10-11, 2002.
“Dispersion after the Temple’s Destruction: The Emergence of Synagogues,” for the Stanford Humanities Center series directed by Erich Gruen, “Diaspora as Construct and Reality: Jewish Experience in the Greco-Roman Period,” January, 2001.
“Smart and Dumb Faith, Smart and Dumb Unfaith,” Sesquicentennial Colloquium at Illinois Wesleyan University on “The Role of Religion(s) in the University of the 21st Century,” October, 2000.
“Joseph with Potiphar’s Wife: early Christian commentary seen against the backdrop of Jewish and Muslim interpretations,” at the Thirteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies in Oxford, England, August, 1999.
“Marking Religious and Ethnic Boundaries: Cases from the Ancient Golan Heights,” American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, November, 1998.